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Gloucester County ASA

Promoting the development of ALL aquatic disciplines throughout the Gloucester County area

County Swimming Championships 2019 Changes

This is a briefing note to give advance notice of changes that are planned for the 2019 Championships schedule.  As some may be aware Swim England now require future County Championships to include Girls 1500m Freestyle and Boys 800m Freestyle events.  In order to make space in the schedule for these events the following changes are being planned.

The first weekend of the championships will be at Hengrove as usual but will be run over both Saturday and Sunday in 2019.  On Saturday the Boys 1500m Freestyle and Girls 800m Freestyle will be swum, both events will be Long Course.  On Sunday the intention is to swim the four 50m events, Boys and Girls, again being swum Long Course. (Short Course times will still be accepted for entries).  This will then free up some time in the remaining weekends at GL1 for the extra two distance events, it is likely they will be swum on the Saturday of the last weekend before the Team Championships on the Sunday.

The full details of the new schedule are currently being developed and will be published in the autumn once they have been approved by the GCASA Executive.

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